Saturday, 16 March 2013

I'd love to hibernate

Lets face it, Bears, hedgehogs and squirrels to name a few, have the right bloody idea.

Every year, towards the start of winter they stock up their food piles, find a comfy safe place, curl up in a ball and fall into a deep slumber.

Living in England during the winter is not my idea of fun. Dark dreary days, that seem to go on for ever. Bitter cold weather, with ice cold rain, or freezing cold snow. NO NO NO, that's not for me.  Given a choice I would be on the first plane out of here after Christmas day, and not come back until I could smell the chocolate from all of the Easter eggs. 

I'm a totally different person in the winter to the rest of the year, everything is just slightly more effort. People get on my nerves a lot more, and I'm just generally moody and a bit depressed.

Some people love Winter [frigging weirdo's] and whats not to love?

The weather?  Yes I love to have to de-ice my car every time I want to use it, and then drive at stupidly slow speeds to avoid death.
 I love the way my skin drys up and makes me look like an extra from the walking dead.
 I love walking like I've shit myself, so I do not slip up on the unsalted roads and pathway's.  I especially love going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark, so for a few months I get to live like a vampire.

Or is it the sickness?  Personally I love to catch the flu or a chest riddled infection. Oh the joy of endless snotty tissues, and trying to explain to your Doctor the colour and consistency  of your phlegm. 
 Having people tell you that they are near death as they sneeze and cough all over you, the cost of the medication that you buy in the hope it will stop you from shooting yourself are all winter joys.

Each winter, myself and hubby can usually be found wrapped in our duvet on the sofa in our own form of human hibernation, trying to decide if we can afford to heat the flat [no seriously].  We eat copious amounts of junk food, because cooking would involve movement and put on huge amounts of weight. [well i do, he don't, he's a freak of nature].     

If this was a scientific study, the evidence above would clearly show that winter is shit and best to be avoided.  However, who knows, there maybe people who like winter, despite its massive failings.

Please feel free to convince me otherwise !!!!  

   w/6318165260/">Bryan Garnett-Law</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="http://creatphoto credit: <a href="">cc</a>

1 comment:

  1. I cant dispute any of this, give me sunshine and heat any day of the week... or month of the year!

    Claire's Castle
