Sunday, 17 March 2013

Charlotte's Web

Well I finally read it. After years and years [or decades and decades in my case] of putting it off because I knew how it ended, I gave it a go.

I'm so happy I did, it's a fantastic book. 

Charlotte's death [the spider] was handled great, even though she did die alone in the end and Wilbur [the pig] lived kind of happily ever after.

What I really loved about it though was it's message of friendship. Charlotte knew she was doomed, but gave her last energy to keeping Wilbur alive, and Wilbur in turn became Charlotte's babies guardian angel. 

It's all very Disney, even though it's not. However, the author does not talk down to the children the book is meant for.

I did not cry, but I feel as if the film or TV versions of this would turn me into a sniffling mess, so I might give them a miss. However, this book will be finding a permanent place on my bookshelf as I will def be reading again in the future.


Saturday, 16 March 2013

I'd love to hibernate

Lets face it, Bears, hedgehogs and squirrels to name a few, have the right bloody idea.

Every year, towards the start of winter they stock up their food piles, find a comfy safe place, curl up in a ball and fall into a deep slumber.

Living in England during the winter is not my idea of fun. Dark dreary days, that seem to go on for ever. Bitter cold weather, with ice cold rain, or freezing cold snow. NO NO NO, that's not for me.  Given a choice I would be on the first plane out of here after Christmas day, and not come back until I could smell the chocolate from all of the Easter eggs. 

I'm a totally different person in the winter to the rest of the year, everything is just slightly more effort. People get on my nerves a lot more, and I'm just generally moody and a bit depressed.

Some people love Winter [frigging weirdo's] and whats not to love?

The weather?  Yes I love to have to de-ice my car every time I want to use it, and then drive at stupidly slow speeds to avoid death.
 I love the way my skin drys up and makes me look like an extra from the walking dead.
 I love walking like I've shit myself, so I do not slip up on the unsalted roads and pathway's.  I especially love going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark, so for a few months I get to live like a vampire.

Or is it the sickness?  Personally I love to catch the flu or a chest riddled infection. Oh the joy of endless snotty tissues, and trying to explain to your Doctor the colour and consistency  of your phlegm. 
 Having people tell you that they are near death as they sneeze and cough all over you, the cost of the medication that you buy in the hope it will stop you from shooting yourself are all winter joys.

Each winter, myself and hubby can usually be found wrapped in our duvet on the sofa in our own form of human hibernation, trying to decide if we can afford to heat the flat [no seriously].  We eat copious amounts of junk food, because cooking would involve movement and put on huge amounts of weight. [well i do, he don't, he's a freak of nature].     

If this was a scientific study, the evidence above would clearly show that winter is shit and best to be avoided.  However, who knows, there maybe people who like winter, despite its massive failings.

Please feel free to convince me otherwise !!!!  

   w/6318165260/">Bryan Garnett-Law</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="http://creatphoto credit: <a href="">cc</a>

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

BBC'S The Big Read

Now I'm not saying I'm a thicko, but I can clearly confess to not being very well read.

Apart from reading the whole works of a couple of my favourite authors I stumbled upon, and a few other novels here and there over the years, my reading history stops there.

Part of the whole mid life crisis I seem to be going through at the moment, which involves examining my past years and wondering what the bloody hell I did with my life, and trying to catch up, involves me reading more.  When I started looking into what I had read to what I should have read I could have cried.

So I set myself a challenge [one of many, separate blog to follow] to read as much as possible. However, I want to read the classics, I want to read what people say I should have read by now and I certainly want to read what other normal people consider their favourite reads.  

So I went looking for a list, a book list if you please of what people considered to be the best books of all time. That is when I came across the BBC'S The Big read.  In 2003 they carried out a survey where people voted for their favourite book.  They collected the results and compiled a list of the top 200.

The list can be found here if anyone is interested.

The list is pretty varied, and you can definitely see that a wide age range has voted. I'm not going to list the books individually on this page, but I will be reviewing each book as I knock them off the list. 

You should check it out and count how many you have read, its very interesting, and your total has to be higher then mine.

Are your favourite's missing? What are your favourite's ?  Did they make the list?

Monday, 11 March 2013

Monday Shitting Blues

 Waking up to snow outside your window is always a pretty sight.
It looks so serene and peaceful and gives everything such a Narnia look of gorgeousness.

However, if you have to venture out in it for any business other then building a quick snowman, it becomes a bloody pain, and if your driving in it an absolute nightmare.    

After clearing my car off of snow this morning, and after regaining circulation in my fingers afterwards I was off to work.  

Despite it only being surface snow and all the roads and pathways being clear, its good to see it still brings out all the panic drivers who decide that driving at 5 mph is the right way to go. 
Then of course we have taxi drivers and the white van men who I have temporary forgotten own the road to deal with. They can never decide which lane they would like to sit in bless them, so usually decide to use both. 

Oh and cyclist's, just to let you know a red traffic light means you need to stop too, its not just for cars, unless you have a death wish and are on a suicide mission like the cyclist I came across this morning.  

My journey, all of 6 miles this morning took me one hour to complete, all the while the radio telling me that our steady resistance to antibiotics is probably going to kill us all eventually. 

Arriving at my work call, I find myself ringing the doorbell to an empty house and that my call had been cancelled the night before at short notice and I need not have got out of bed this morning.     

After another lovely hours drive home, dealing with red lights and morons all the way, I have decided to go back to bed with a book. Looking at my list of the BBC'S Top 200 Reads, my next book to read is Charlotte's Web, which I have somehow managed  to avoid reading all my life.

However, I am led to believe it involves a lovely spider called Charlotte, who has babies and then dies. Great !!!


Sunday, 10 March 2013

Lets start a Blog !!!

For a long time now i have wanted to start a blog as a means of documenting my everyday life and things i get up to.

At 37 I have never kept a consistent diary of any sort, always giving up a few days into the new year. 

 I don't know if my age is a factor, but as i head towards forty, i feel more and more nostalgic and feel sad that i have nothing to look back on when it came to things i did in my youth and feelings i may have felt at the time.

Well enough is enough, i am going to use this platform as a way of having a good rant and rave as well as documenting things of interest. I have no way of knowing how this blog will end up, or what direction it goes in. To be honest i have no blogging experience at all and don't even know if this post will go up successfully. 

I guess the most important thing is that i post regularly and  about things that interest me. Passing traffic would be nice, but if people don't stop to say hello, that's o.k. 

I've had a little look around at other peoples blogs and there are some pretty awesome ones out there.  

So here goes my life in a nutshell !!!