Friday, 24 May 2013

The Princess Diaries

The Princess Diaries, is the first book of a series of books about a young girl called Mia, who discovers she is actually a princess of a small country. 

It has since been made into a Disney film which I have seen a few times over the course of many years.

The book is written in diary form, which for some reason I always enjoy reading and is light, easy reading.

Disney picked and changed a few things from the book for the film, such as Mia's father being dead instead of alive and characters names and personalities changing, but overall did a good job of representing the book.

Meg Cabot is a very popular writer among the youth, and even though I wont be rushing to buy or read any of the Princess Diaries series or other titles of hers, I can imagine that this is the sort of book I would have enjoyed reading as a young teenager.    

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

The Magic Faraway Tree

I'm sorry I'm probably going to upset someone, but I cannot stand 'Enid Bloody Blyton'.

This book took me over two months to finish, because I cannot stand how the woman writes for children. Children are not stupid, not even children in the 1940's or 1950,s or whenever these books were written.

She writes as if all children are morons and need the most basic things explained. I could not stand 'The Famous Five' series either or anything else she ever wrote.

When I saw it on the 'Big Read' list, I was quite surprised it was the only book of hers on there. I know millions of kids buy into the shit she churned out, and imagined the list to be full of her books.

This story was about a magic tree which has different world's that appear briefly at the top of it, that the children and there magical friends visit and get up to high jinx [blahhhh].

There is a saucepan man, and a character called Moonface and God knows what else. Oh and the typical stereotype Janet and John children, that live on a farm and have chores and go on picnics, and do not represent English children in that period at all.

Perhaps I am being unfair, she does appeal to the masses.

Oh Gosh and drat I don't care, she is just a big shit lol.

Anne of Green Gables

When I set out to read this book I believed I would find it highly enjoyable. I had seen the film before and the numerous made for TV series, so it seemed a foregone conclusion that I would love the book, Right?

Wrong !!!

I did not enjoy it at all. Talk about a struggle. This is supposed to be a favourite among many children, but how they managed to understand what the hell Montgomery was talking about is beyond me.

Montgomery had me reaching for the dictionary at least 10 times in the first chapter, which I hate. Whenever a word comes along that I do not know, I feel the need to look it up, otherwise I feel the book has not been completed in some way, and that that misunderstood word could change the whole chapter and feel of the story.

Stupid I know, but it is just how I read. However, I feel that these words are so obscure and rarely used that a lot of other readers would have had to glance at a dictionary as well, especially the many people who claim that this is their favourite all time children's book.

There are other reasons why this book will not be finding a permanent place on my book shelf. I am not a huge fan of pages and pages of descriptive writing. I know an author has to set a scene, and try to bring the reader into the book, but page after page of how the woods smelt and how the trees looked, and how the stream trickled is not my bag at all.

It's a shame as the story is a good one. A young orphan girl going to live with a brother and sister, getting up to all sorts and having a cheerful disposition, but a fiery stubborn temper, is  a fine basis for a story. God, she could almost be me.

I will always love the TV series and the film versions of this book and it's sequels, but the literature for me is a struggle.  

Sorry L.M Montgomery.   


Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Winnie the Pooh

I was not sure what to expect from this book. It is another childhood classic that seemed to pass me by without having either been read it as a child, or read it myself in later years.

I obviously know who Winnie the Pooh is, and all his friends, but have just never read any of the literature. 

It's quite a short book, with a collection of different stories,involving Winnie and his friends.

I actually found it fairly enjoyable and really well written. Each character is involved in at least one story and the story is used to show each of their individual personalities.

Winnie, obviously being the main character, is lazy and only thinks of consuming honey, but is kind and helpful to all his friends.

Eeyore, a highly depressive character, who sees doom and gloom in everything, and without his friends would probably hang himself from the nearest tree.

Piglet who seems to be a anxious fellow and scared of everything. Owl who is wise and who everyone goes to for advice. Rabbit who is the bossy one, and Kanga and Roo, who seem the sensible ones of the group.

From this original book there is no Tigger. But I can see why he was added at a later time, as it was obvious that the group lacked a complete nutter who just loved to bounce. lol